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Martin Hartley's Year In Pictures 2014

Photographed in Cornwall for Dr Huw Lewis Jones and Thames&Hudson. This is the flag that Sir Wally Herbert carried with him across the Arctic Ocean on a 3,800-mile legendary surface crossing of the Arctic Ocean, from Alaska to Spitsbergen, which some historians have billed as 'the last great journey on Earth'. The image will appear, alongside other artefacts from Sir Wally’s epic expedition life, in a new book to be published in the Summer of 2015.
Former England Rugby Captain Lewis Moody (capped 71 times) was photographed for Viper10 in Bristol to launch a new range of products in January of 2014.
Unsung genuine climbing Hero, and sponsored Montane athlete, the Peter Kay of the climbing world. Photographed for Sidetracked Magazine in a carpark in Andover before a lecture. More accomplished and honest climbers are hard to find. Total privilege to photograph him for Sidetracked Magazine.
Sophie Radcliffe
Photographed for Sidetracked Magazine. Sophie is the only only person to cycle the 8 Alpine countries and climb their highest mountains in one push. 1669KM by bike, 141KM by foot and 45,530 meters of ascent. Photographed on the rooftop gardens in Dalston, London.
Photographed at the Royal Geographic Society (with IBG). Founder of 2041, a company dedicated to the preservation of the Antarctic Region. Robert was also the first person to ski to both the North and South Geographic Poles.
Sir Wally Herbert's artefacts
Photographed in Cornwall for Dr Huw Lewis Jones for a book soon to be published by Thames and Hudson in the summer of 2015.  A collection of Sir Wally Herbert’s expedition equipment that took him on journeys spanning 23,000 miles, over fifty years. More than half of those miles were in unexplored areas. These are the tools of the greatest Polar Explorer of the modern era.
Sir Ranulph Fiennes
Sir Ran Fiennes, shot at the Frontline Club in Paddington, in the style of Herbert Ponting’s 1910 portrait of Captain Scott’s Expedition Doctor Edward Wilson. Spot on styling and location sorted by Mano of Bristol's best location and production house Good Spaces.
Eric, head of the IPGA, is briefly lit up beautifully by low Norwegian sunshine passing through a gap in the clouds. A lucky moment that was over before I could get a second frame off.
Photographed at the end of a long day not far from the North Geographic Pole en route South to Canada.
Arctic Ocean.1
Photographed near the North Geographic Pole, en route to Canada, Bernice Notenboom hauls her sledge through a gigantic pressure ridge.
Arctic Ocean.2
Eric Phillips launches himself from his sledge to the opposite side of the lead edge to get back onto some kind of ‘terra firma', albeit just ice.
Arctic Ocean.3
Eric Phillips gingerly builds a makeshift ice bridge between two chunks of ice so we can pass onto safer, more stable ice.
Arctic Ocean.4
Eric Phillips and Bernice Notenboom take a short snack break during our journey from the North Pole to Canada.
Arctic Ocean.5
Eric Philips rests for a brief moment while checking the ice thickness he’s just landed on before hauling his sledge onto it.
Salt Crystals
Not everything on the surface of the Arctic Ocean is grand and epic. These tiny salt ‘flowers’ ease themselves out of the water onto the surface of newly frozen water when there is little or no wind to demolish them.
Gaping Gyll
Thanks to the Craven Pothole club, this image was a safe one to take. The bi-annual winch is set up at the surface of the UK’s deepest hole in the ground, Gaping Gyll. The 98-metre (322 ft) high speed drop from the surface to the floor of the cave is a real treat in any weather.
Emelie Forsberg
How anyone can have such a wonderful and natural smile right after running a Norwegian Skyrace is beyond me. World Champion Ultra Runner Emelie was photographed just after finishing the Tromsø Skyrace, an event which she and her partner Kilian Jornet had organised for the first time in 2014.
Underwater Explorer, Extreme Diver, Climber, Skydiver, BBC and Discovery TV presenter and former underwater bomb disposal expert Andy is photographed in front of Clevedon Pier for Sidetracked Magazine (thanks to the Bristol locations agency Good Spaces). I wonder if there is anything he can't do! The rig that he is nonchalantly sporting weighs about 40KG...which might be why he's not smiling after standing around for 20 minutes while I faff taking his portrait!
Dr Huw Lewis Jones
Old Polar style portrait of historian and art director Dr Huw Lewis Jones, author of Face to Face, among other titles. Taken at his family home in Cornwall while art directing a new book about Sir Wally Herbert's epic, and unrepeated, crossing of the Arctic in 1969. Jumper as worn by the late great Sir Wally Herbert, Goggles I think belonged to the late great George Lowe.
Kilian Jornet
Photographed at the end of his Tromsø Skyrace event, Catalan born Killian Jornet was the people's choice for National Geographic Adventurer of the year in 2014. Earlier in the year, Killian ran up and down Denali in Alaska - a 33 mile round trip in under 12 hours… Probably the fittest bloke on the planet!
Steve’s Leaves
Steve is in watercress circles nothing short of a Jedi Warrior and has done for salads what the Hubble Telescope has done for outer space knowledge! I suggest you try them next time you are in the supermarket. Photographed on his farm in Wiltshire holding my favourite leaf, a rocket-wasabi hybrid.
Rosie Stancer
A cross between Tinkerbell and the Terminator, Rosie’s slight frame hides a lot of hidden power. Super athlete and Professional Polar Explorer. Rosie skied solo to the South Geographic Pole in 2004 and came achingly close to a successful solo attempt on the North Geographic Pole in 2007. Right now, she is training for a second solo attempt on the North Pole in 2016. Photographed in Essex after training.
Jimmy Galvin
AKA JimmyG: artist, musician, curator. Bristol based artist specialising in humanitarian and anti-gun art. Photographed with his bubble gun in one of his favourite locations in Bristol, where he walks and meditates everyday. A secret part of Ashton Court in Bristol.
The only man in history to swim from Land’s end to John O’Groats, and probably the only man who will ever complete this hugely epic swim. Sean was busy restoring his old WWII boat, Lady Sybil, when I photographed him. No point interrupting his work flow, so I shot him exactly as he was… wild and eager, as with everything he does.
A group of adventure travel tourists take a guided stroll onto the unfathomably gigantic 14 million square kilometres of Antarctic ice cap during a day out from the amazingly comfortable White Desert camp, a short walk away.
PS: The Rule of thirds, like all 'rules', is there to be broken!
Matt Botha, a modern day antipodean version of Tom Crean, takes a stroll across a frozen lake, close to the edge of the colossal Antarctic continental edge known as ‘The Barrier’... Just for the camera!
Only 6 hours previously, these adventure tourists were sipping fine wine in Cape Town. An hour after landing in Antarctica, they are taking their first stroll on the ice at the very edge of the junction between the land fast ice and the sea ice.
This point where the Antarctic ice sheet and the land mass that is the continent of Antarctica touch, is a magic place. No running melt water here only beautiful ancient ice caressing even more ancient rock. Antarctica remains almost pristine and almost unscarred by the plague that is known as the human being, but for how long, perhaps at least until 2041 when the Antarctic Treaty expires.
Swirling compressed sea ice changes shape as it gets pushed up against the continental landmass that is Antarctica. Underneath the ice is a complicated system of beautifully sculpted ice caves.
Feeling nostalgic: this image was composed and digitally processed in the style that a Victorian explorer might have used a hundred years ago.
As part of the 2015 FA cup season, I was commissioned to ‘capture the Adventure of the FA cup'. Thanks to my management company, Soluvreba, who negotiated an opportunity to kick start the campaign, I took the FA Cup on its own ‘adventure' and photographed it at the Terrestrial South Pole.
Martin Hartley's Year In Pictures 2014

Martin Hartley's Year In Pictures 2014

Martin Hartley adventure travel and portrait photographer year in pictures
