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a FEZ-like game

This is a 2D Fez-like game in 3D space made by Unity3D and C#, implemented scripts with function of wall-jump, jet-pack, camera rotation, game-saving function, shooting, collectable coins, kill tiggers. Players should avoid the red cube and use the jet-pack & wall-jump wisely to go through the level. In the keypoint, the player will rotate the camera and sometimes go back to solve the puzzle. As showed in the video, the tricky parts always come with the camera roatation, this can refresh the player's feeling of the game and bring more fun. The original map design is the picture below, though many thing has changed while building the map:
a FEZ-like game

a FEZ-like game

A 2D Fez-like game implemented with Unity3D & C#. With the joy of Jet-pack, wall-jump, camera rotation, save point, shooting, kill trigger, colle Read More
