This series was inspired by the architectural studies I did earlier on this year (also available for viewing on Behance). I greatly enjoyed the subtleties in the structure of buildings and was surprised by the amount of depth I could portray by paying attention to line weight and selectivity. This time, I wanted to experiment with drawing on toned paper. Through the process of careful observation, I wanted to harness a basic understanding of what makes certain buildings take on a life of their own; how certain places can feel like living, breathable spaces as opposed to others. I wanted to explore the magicality of these spaces, along with the small moments that add to their character. My goal was to treat each sketch as a pocket of time captured by the artist that could be relived over and over again by the viewer. In my first couple of sketches, I decided to start broad and tried to reproduce most of what I see. However, I hoped to become more specific and selective as I progressed, only including what was absolutely necessary to represent the essence of the space. By the end, I hoped to have gained a deeper insight into what separates drawings from replicable photography. The following images are some of the highlights of my sketching journey. 
After the first week, I realized that my focus on making the perspective accurate limited the amount of experimentation. In order to keep my process fresh and also interesting, I started to experiment more and pay less attention to the outcome. I found myself becoming much more relaxed and open once I stopped worrying about the finished piece. 
The last two drawings (shown below) were done outside of the sketchbook on larger paper. 
When I first embarked on my series, I was expecting to draw in a purely architectural style. My intent was to draw in the same linear style as my first week's drawings the entire way through, only with more specificity as the weeks progressed. Instead, I ended up using this series to explore a multitude of different media and also different styles. I was able to explore not only specificity, but also depth, tone, canvas (how the borders affect an image), and more. In the end, I am very glad that I was able to continue on a more experimental path. 
Sketching Series

Sketching Series

A sketchbook series of space and architecture. 2014.
