Photoshoot for press and promo purposes, 2014
Punk the Halls handbill & poster advertisement, 2014
Photos taken at Mr. Smalls, Pittsburgh, January 10, 2014
2015 Press Kit
Photos taken at The Hard Rock Cafe, Pittsburgh, March 22, 2015
Photos taken at The Oaks Theatre, Oakmont Pa, July 10, 2015
Advertisement, Photos taken at Club DieselPittsburgh, December 12, 2015
Screen Printing Katie Hate Merchandise 

Other Merchandise and Promotional Items
↬Water bottles given away at the St. Patricks Day Parade
↬ Lighters to sell at 18+ venues, pieces from lyric book of album Let's Pretend Again
Katie Hate Business Cards
Printed by We The Printers
Katie Hate Gives Back to Kaden, 
Head Trauma Survivor Due to Shaken Baby Syndrome
Kaden is a relative of former drummer Jake Saltzman, the band heard of Kaden's stuffed animal and toy drive and decided to help at an upcoming show. To get the word out about the show, I helped Katie Hate produce and edit this facebook video that reached 12,000 views! NOTE: I'm no videographer! 

Summer Ruckus Tour Poster

Katie Hate

Katie Hate

Katie Hate is a Pittsburgh band in which I have been involved with since 2014. I started out with them photographing their shows, then jumped int Read More
