Lillian Chen's profile

Swamp - "Off my lawn"

My final for my Digital Media II class was to paint a scene shot at the exact climax moment, with my two character designs and my environment design from earlier during the class.
(Final Version below)

Color Balance to gear painting towards a cool green feel with warm shadows.
Also pushed the background back even more with a gradient and moved foreground closer, in a sense, with a gausian blur.
Additional edit from the final class involves bringing back the foreground more, so it's not so lost as it was previously.  I also added highlights/rim lights casted all around the environment from the skulls. (Image above)
Started out with a thumbnail (loose sketch ), before applying the base color. WIP 2 adds more color, contrast, rendering, etc.
Values got fixed, skulls got defined more before I went forward with the more final touches.
Swamp - "Off my lawn"

Swamp - "Off my lawn"

My final for Digital Media II course, was to paint a story -climax focused environment with two characters in direct (or by proxy) contact.
