My poster from the Letterland Exhibition held in The Old A4, Dublin, 2014. 
The theme for the poster exhibition was Letters. Each exhibitor was given a letter to portray. My letter was the letter 'p'. For my poster I decided to look at Phobias and the different phobias that exist today. Part of the brief was that our poster had to contain our letter in some way, shape or form. I decided to use the shape of the letter 'P' to frame the various phobias that I discovered. 
When carrying out a project, I like, not only to learn something new myself, but to inform the viewer and allow the viewer to learn something new too! Before I began researching Phobias I was very ignorant as to what phobias exist and why those who suffer from phobias fear them. 
Who knew that Mysophobia is the fear of germs? Not me! But now I do! 
This is the starting point for a further Phobia-related project. Watch this space! 
P is for Phobia

P is for Phobia

My poster from the Letterland Exhibition held in The Old A4, Dublin, 2014. The theme for the poster exhibition was Letters. Each exhibitor was Read More
