Michal Minár's profile

TNS MILLENIALS+ infographic series

From may 2014 till july 2014 I was collaborating with TNS Slovakia on Millenials+ - a research study focused on the millenials generation. Since I was in charge of the visual design, I started my work by defining the whole visual language of the study - I opted in for a line-art style illustrations and iconography, which was im my opinion highly suitable to communicate the results of this information-heavy study.

Here are the base illustrations, which were used at the beginning of the study:
And here is a series of infographics, which summarized the most important findings of the study and were delivered in the form of direct e-mails:
TNS MILLENIALS+ infographic series

TNS MILLENIALS+ infographic series

A series of illustrations and infographics for the TNS MILLENIALS+ research study.
