Avant Garçon | Logo & Cover
Avant Garçon - means foward-boyish in french- created to fulfil the wants of masculine look clothes for women age 17 to 30 years old. The fall/winter 2013 collection with theme of nature will brought up by the cold-pale color, simple silhouette and abstract pattern that inspired by the windy beach atmosphere. The simple-cut silhouette are created to show the minimalist and strong look for the person who wear the collection.
Avant Garçon | Moodboard
Windy-beach act as the main point in the moodboard, thus it was placed in the middle of the other pictured to be emphasized. Stairs represent the simplicity and the clean-cut silhouette of the designs, the woman represent the forward style by wearing the custom-made clothes edited from several pictures that symbolise the masculine, androgyny and minimalist side of the collection. As the background, the building and cement wall combined to give cold mood.
Avant Garçon | Target Market board
Avant Garçon | Color Palette
The colour inspired from three elements - a stacked rock- pattern painting, cold beach painting and a typography of ‘rontgen’. These three art-visualization represent the colour used in the collection. A rock-pattern inspired for the abstractness and state that messy could be beautiful. The range of colour varied from white to grey to black. Cold beach painting inspired to chose the accent colour used in the collection, showing pale colour to represent the cold-windy weather, while for ‘rontgen’ typography showing the simplicity of black and white that act as the  base colour.
Avant Garçon | DIY Base Prints 
the making of the base pattern was simply using water color reflected in the paper. the mixture have to be correct to achieved the result wanted. the trial for both colors and black&white attempt 10 times with the mixture of either mono, duo or multi color. the base pattern then scanned and edited by using photoshop but still give the sense of ‘abstract’ in the end result so the connection with the nature theme still in line.
Avant Garçon | Final Prints 1
the first prints/pattern represent inspired from the shape and the colour of the moon - round and grey. the colour was taken from one of the experiment of base pattern that use black and white colour, cutted in three different place of round-shape to give more variation. also by lowering the opacity of the colour gives paler effect to the pattern.
Avant Garçon | Final Prints 2
the second print inspired by the shape of earth from outer space surrounded by the stars and sparks of yellow-ray from the sun. the round-earthy shape taken from experiment of base pattern B (3-tonal), cutted on one side. the stars taken also from base pattern B, divided into two parts and put separately to give more abstract effect. the sun-ray taken from base pattern A (yellow colour), cutted into two.
Avant Garçon | Final Prints 3
the third print was inspired also by the figure of earth from outer space, with some imagination added to it - splash of sea water. both shape - round and abstract - was taken from an experiment of base pattern that use pale color. the round shape cutted from one side of the pattern, while the splash-abstract style applied by putting the whole base pattern in the middle above the round shape.
Avant Garçon | Final Prints 4
the fourth print inspired from the picture of cold beach (left). the pattern was made from three combination of base pattern (A, B & C). Both pattern A and C was used completely, but pattern B only taken the blue-part. then it stacked in the middle and shows some reflected abstractness. after everything is in its place, the brightness added give lighter effect.
Avant Garçon | Final Prints 5
the fifth print process are all the same with the fourth print - which are the combination of three base pattern. but at the end, the color then turn into black and white to give more darker effect towards the pattern.
Avant Garçon | 1st Look
Avant Garçon | 2nd Look
Avant Garçon | 3rd Look
Avant Garçon | 4th Look
Avant Garçon | 5th Look
Avant Garçon | 6th Look
Avant Garçon | Final Looks
Avant Garçon

Avant Garçon

Avant Garçon - means foward-boyish in french - created to fulfil the wants of masculine look clothes for women age 17 to 30 years old. The fall/w Read More
