Bettina Di Virgilio's profile

Handbook about Photoshop CC

I am author of six handbooks about the use of Photoshop. The last one was published on November, 2014. I wrote 400 pages, and design almost 60 tutorials to let people easily learn how to retouch pictures with Photoshop.
I made the cover art and the internal illustration, in order to have a book rich and eye catching, an inspiring tool for creatives.
Part of the pictures are taken from the image bank Fotolia. The girl I used to design the cover is taken from a picture by Yuriy Zhuravov.
When I made the project of this book, I wanted a full color and eye catching cover. I decided to use green and orange: two fresh and springtime colors. This picture of Yuriy was perfect for my pourpose.
This two pictures are simple retouching exercizes. The one on the left is a picture of a sunset in Oman, I worked on colors and contrast. The one on the right is a Egyptian statue exposed at Neues Museum in Berlin, I worked with the light filters to create a strong light from the top of the picture.
This two covers are the result of an editing process from pictures I took from Fotolia. The man is a picture by Viorel Sima: I choosed it since I wanted to make a tutorial about making an intense monotone protraits. The man is serious, and his face is full of sings that can be exalted by using B&W and contrast techniques.
The cover on the right is a photomontage of two pictures: background by Nivens (Fotolia #54762945), and dancer by Alexander Yakovlev (Fotolia #58541806). I really appreciate pictures of dancers that this photographer make.
Handbook about Photoshop CC

Handbook about Photoshop CC

Handbook about the use of Photoshop. Edited by Hoepli.
