Alex Belisle's profile

One October Evening

The Bourne Bridge on Cape Cod is one of the most iconic structures in Massachusetts. This picture brings nothing new to it. I went there more for the opportunity to stand and watch the sunset on the gateway to the one place in the world where I'm insulated from the trials of everyday life.
I took a night photography seminar a year ago, and light painting was part of the package. I love the effect of a sharply contrased color using the moon as a light source. In full disclosure, this is cheating. The lightsource was not the moon, but a big light which lights up the end of the pier in Provincetown. The red light is what they have at the top of the Harbormasters Office. The effect is the same, and when I saw it I knew I had to snap off a shot.
I had someone ask me why I was shooting the window of a bar. This may be the only angle of the restaurant across the street that I have never seen photographed. Close the book on that one.
I probably should add this to the Lobster Pot page. I just love this building. The cars going by may be the only difference to the thousands of other shots of this place.
A pleasant mistake. I fired off a shot over the harbor, more as a rangefinder than anything else. Nothing really showed on my screen that I was impressed with, so I moved on. Upon improrting it to lightroom I cranked up the exposure, then softened it up as it looked like it was shot through sand. I like the end result as it almost looks like a painting.It really reflects the peacefulness of the evening.
First Encounter Beach in Eastham, MA is the spot where the Pilgrims first came into contact with the Natives upon their arrival in America. I went there to try and practice getting some galaxy shots, as it's something I've never done. As the clouds rolled in from the west, I decided to take a long exposure shot to the east, just for fun. What I couldn't see were the clouds coming in above me, and the one to the north, at the bottom left. The lights at the bottom right are from a lighthouse on the eastern side of the Cape.
One October Evening

One October Evening

I don't have many opportunities to take off and shoot 140 miles from home very often. I was lucky that I have a fellow photographer friend who ha Read More
