This is a continuation of project 1 (Building and Optimizing my Home page) for my MK-470 class. In this project we added our page titles as well as meta descriptions. We made Our title and then made a more specific part which was seperated by a pipe. As for the metadescription I tried to accurately describe the  contents of my site. I then specified meta robots with content= "INDEX and content="FOLLOW". I entered a heading for my first paragraph using the hummingbird method of asking a question in my H1 (heading 1) tag.  I then proceeded to enter text into my first paragraph which answered the first question I asked in my H1 tag. Lastly i entered a footer which included my company/organization name, the date i edited the site and a copyright symbol. I then uploaded my work to behance to track my progress. 
Project 2

Project 2

Project 2 for MK-470, this project builds upon project 1
