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Huxley and the Great Pumpkin

    Huxley the rabbit lived in a big pink house with his mom and dad. They were a family and went on many adventures together. They loved all holidays, but Huxley’s all time favorite was Halloween. He loved the night time, playing tricks on his friends, and nibbling on pumpkins, squash, and corn, so Halloween was naturally his favorite day. 
    “Huxley, we’re going to the pumpkin patch but we’ll be back soon with pumpkins for us to carve together!” mom said, picking up Huxley and kissing him on the nose, “We love you very much!”
    Huxley twitched his nose lovingly at his mom and dad, and stood on his back legs, watching them drive away through the window. 
    At the pumpkin patch, his mom and dad picked out the pumpkins that they thought were the best to carve. Their were enormous lumpy ones, small round ones, and all sizes in between. Mom picked out a large, and flat one, and dad picked out a large round one. They looked all afternoon, making sure they found the right one for Huxley. Finally, right before the farm closed, they found the perfect pumpkin! They loaded them into the car and raced home, eager to show Huxley the pumpkin they’d found for him.
    When they arrived home, They were shocked to find Huxley less than excited about their find.
    “It’s so small!” Huxley thought, turning his nose up at the tiny pumpkin, which his mom and dad thought suited him perfectly. “I wanted the biggest pumpkin in the patch!”
    Mom and dad couldn’t figure out why Huxley didn’t want the pumpkin they’d picked out for him. Last year, when he was a baby, they hadn’t thought of getting him his own pumpkin, but realized how much he enjoyed Halloween and eating leftover pumpkins, so they thought that getting him one of his own would make him even happier than before.
    Mom and dad decided to invite all of their friends over for the occasion, but Huxley said he didn’t feel like it, and hid behind the car all day while mom and dad had fun celebrating the beautiful fall leaves and carving pumpkins. After all their friends left, mom and dad went looking for Huxley, but couldn’t find him anywhere. Mom cried all day, searching for Huxley everywhere, but couldn’t find him.
    As night fell, mom and dad were worried sick. They decided to check the backyard one more time before they went to sleep. As they opened the door, they were shocked to see an enormous pumpkin, nearly as tall as they were, with bright, jack-o-lantern eyes and a toothy grin. Sitting on top of the gigantic pumpkin was Huxley, smiling from ear to ear. “Now, THIS is a pumpkin!” Huxley thought to himself. He’d nibbled the greatest pumpkin of all time!
Huxley and the Great Pumpkin

Huxley and the Great Pumpkin

Non-Verbal Narrative Project


Creative Fields