Name of Person Interviewed: Jiawei Yu
Location Visited: Love Library, 2nd floor
Observation and quotes:
3 hours, 3 times a week. Library best place, quiet helps focus, Selleck is too loud. Forgot about exam once. Friends taught study habits. Spaces out studying instead of craming.
Study experience is better in USA than China.
Interpretations: I didn’t expect the study experience to be better in America compared to China.
We met Jiawei in Love Library. We were amazed to re alize that he said he had better study habits in the
US rather than China. This is significant because different countries have different learning environments.

Name of Person Interviewed: Qin Zhang
Location Visited: Love Library
Observation and quotes: Studies everyday 7-12 am. E njoys library or study rooms, not dorm rooms.
Likes morning times. Forgot exam and couldn’t study. Feel prepared for exams. USA schools study
We met Qin Zhang in the Library. We were amazed to realize her worst study experience was that she
completely forgot about a test. This is significant because most people’s worst study experience is not
studying enough or not being prepared.

Name of Person Interviewed: Vince
Location Visited: Union
Observation and quotes:
Studies everyday 3-4 hours. Came back for a differe nt major. Had a bad cram experience. Enjoys studying with other people. Stud ies in Nebraska hall. Studies is the mornings.
He changed his interests and came back to school to
pursue a new major. We met Vince in the Union. We were amazed to realiz e he doesn’t studying. This is significant because most people don’t.

Name of Person Interviewed: Chris Haeffner
Location Visited: Union
Observation and quotes: Reads 3 hours a night for her job. Was always prepared and studied in
advance. Her daughter in high school studies more than she did in high school. Likes working at home.
Usually eats while studying.
She is a professor and UNL that still has to study
for her job.
We met Chris at the Union. We were amazed to realize her daughter studies more than she used to.
This is significant because it points to the idea that our generation studies more than past generations.


Interviewing students and other people about their studying habits.


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