Transforming Coffee Shop Experiences: 
A User-Centric Journey
As coffee lovers and professionals, we understand the importance of a seamless coffee shop experience. My latest project aims to address the common frustrations faced by busy individuals like Alex and creative minds like Linda, ensuring every coffee shop visit is efficient, comfortable, and enjoyable.
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User-Centric Solutions
For Alex: Balancing work and study can be challenging, especially with long lines, miscommunications, and inconvenient to-go packaging. The solution? A robust mobile app for pre-ordering and pre-paying, enhanced communication systems for accurate order fulfillment, and innovative to-go packaging that keeps coffee hot and easy to carry.

For Linda: As an artist and online student, finding the perfect study spot is crucial. We've introduced a table check availability system, increased the availability of power outlets, and secure in-app ordering to create a conducive and safe environment for studying and working.
Customer Journey Insights
By mapping out the customer journeys for Alex and Lina, key touchpoints and opportunities to improve their experiences were identified. From the initial awareness and consideration stages to decision-making, usage, and advocacy, this comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of their journey is addressed.
With clearly defined opportunities for enhancing the coffee shop experience, this project aims to deliver:

- App Development Team: Leading the implementation of the mobile app for pre-ordering and secure table ordering.
- Operations Team: Ensuring enhanced communication systems and increased power outlet availability.
- Product Development Team: Innovating smart to-go packaging.
- Marketing Team: Promoting these features to attract and retain customers.
Metrics for Success
Success will be measured through customer feedback, usage rates, order accuracy, and engagement on social media. Our goal is to create an environment that meets the needs of our target audience, transforming their coffee shop visits into efficient and enjoyable experiences.
User Journey map


User Journey map
