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The Day of Silence - Nyepi

Nyepi, which coincides with the Saka New Year 1946 on Monday, March 11th, 2024, is a solemn time of the year for most Balinese Hindus. Observed from 6 AM until 6 AM the next morning, the island comes to a halt.
Nyepi, the Balinese New Year, offers a unique and serene approach to beginning the new year. Unlike many other cultures that celebrate with lively festivities, Nyepi stands out with its emphasis on silence and self-reflection. Falling on the day following the dark moon of the spring equinox, it marks a time for individuals to connect deeply with spirituality and engage in introspection.

As Nyepi approaches, you will notice great excitement all over Bali, such as:

Melasti – Thursday, March 7th, 2024, until Saturday, March 9th, 2024.

Every village will hold a large procession by taking images of Gods to the sea for a symbolic cleansing called Melasti.
The Tawur Ceremonies – Sunday, 10th March, 2024 at 06:00 pm.

To cleanse the resort area which takes place at Chapung Sebali house temple called Padmasana. Couple staff of Chapung Sebali will go around the resort and make loud sounds by hitting bamboo and also bring fire to drive away the evil spirits.
Ogoh Ogoh Parade – Sunday, 10th March, 2024.

After sunset, it is a procession of carrying Ogoh Ogoh, giant effigies, accompanied by loud gamelan music can be seen all over the island. The loud instruments are meant to satisfy the evil spirits, and at the end, the evil spirits will not bother the human being during Nyepi – a silent day.

Do's & Don'ts During Nyepi at Chapung Sebali

We want to assure you that this may be a new cultural experience for those who are not familiar with Balinese traditions. Therefore, we want to assure you that local authorities have permitted hotels to make necessary adjustments to accommodate our guests. During this sacred time, we kindly request your understanding as follows:
Noise is to be kept at a minimum with no loud music, and all outside lighting at night must be switched off.
Guests are free to roam within the Resort but must remain strictly within Chapung Sebali grounds and away from the main road.
Guests may access the internet using the Resort's Wi-Fi connection.
Copywritting of Creative and Curated Paper Goods


Copywritting of Creative and Curated Paper Goods
