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Annual theme FOS open scouting

Empowering Youth Through Action: FOS Annual Theme Unveiled

Join us as we embark on an exhilarating journey with FOS, entrusted to design the visual theme for the upcoming scouting year. We're bursting with excitement for what lies ahead! 🚀🎨
This year's theme revolves around action, empowerment, and asserting rights, perfectly timed with the 2024 election on the horizon. Our aim? To ignite a spark in young minds, inspiring them to take the lead. The rallying cry? 'Aan zet' (At the helm).
🤩 Drawing inspiration from the game of chess, we've chosen it as a potent symbol. Just like chess pieces on a board, youth are strategically advancing to fortify their demands and assert their rights. Brace yourselves for a year brimming with vibrancy, empowerment, and action—we can hardly contain our excitement for the grand reveal! 🌈💪

FOS - Annual Theme - Youth Empowerment - Action - Rights - 2024 Election - Visual Theme Design - Chess Symbolism - Empowerment Campaign - Strategic Advancement - Vibrancy - Excitement - scouting
Annual theme FOS open scouting


Annual theme FOS open scouting
