In this video "Financial Literacy for Children" was created for the class "Idea to Market". The class aims to navigate from idea to market by understanding new product development, stakeholders, and business functions. It explores envisioning ideas with multiple stakeholders and developing them into viable businesses. This experiential course delves into creating real-world services, treating products/services as entities evolving in response to the environment and systems. During the class, we explored concepts like Venture Capture, various business models, Taxes, etc. One concept that stood out to me was 'Budgeting'. 
I delved into this concept and gained valuable new insights.

Reflecting on my understanding of the information I studied, I pondered whether I truly grasped the concepts. My mother always said, "If you can explain a concept to a 3-year-old, then you've truly understood it." This is precisely what I did in the video, explaining Budgeting to children. I hope this video is informative for you too!
Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy
