Sarah McMenemy - Selected Portfolio
Sarah McMenemy is a graduate of Brighton College of Art. Sarah writes and illustrates children’s books, works extensively in design and advertising and also creates wonderful book jackets. She has an amazing flair for reportage and her vibrant colours and confident lines create stunning images.
Sarah is a true “illustrator” – her work cannot be replicated in any way in any other form, it is purely illustrative and clients never tire of the beautiful flow and sense of movement in it. She lives in North London.
Sarah has had the pleasure of working for a host of multi-national clients, including: Royal Mail, London Underground, BBC, British Airways, Singapore Airlines, Beefeater Gin, MasterCard, Harrods, Harvey Nichols, The New Yorker, Elle, and Random House.
See more of Sarah's work here.
Sarah McMenemy Portfolio


Sarah McMenemy Portfolio
