Mukund Bhalerao's profile

Norton 360 App Case Study

Norton 360 App Case Study
My Role- Lead UX-UI Designer
Responsibilities- Product strategy, executing end-to-end architecture, research, feature discovery, wire-frames, prototypes, testing, visual design, style guide/ design system creation, spec documentation, engineering delivery & QA.
Product Type- Cyber Safety (all-in-one device, online privacy, and identity protection)
Prototype- Here !!
(You can also check the actual product on View in Google PlayApp Store)
Hey there!
So, Norton has been on quite a journey, growing and expanding its user base to millions of people seeking solutions for their cyber safety concerns. Things got even busier when Norton acquired LifeLock, a solution for protecting against identity theft. This move paved the way for creating a super solution that brings together all of Norton's offerings under one roof.
Back in late 2018, Norton started rolling out a new cyber safety experience in its products. It gave users a consolidated view of all the cool stuff they had access to with their subscription. However, while users could see everything they had and its status, there wasn't one single app where they could access all these features. That's where our story begins.
In 2019-2020, myself and some other folks with a stake in Norton got together with a mission: to create an app that bundles up our core features—like device security, identity theft protection, and VPN privacy—all in one convenient place. And ta-da! That's how Norton 360 was born.
My Design Process
~ Discovery ~
Our Norton users were getting used to the various cyber safety interfaces, where they could access all their subscription features across different apps and browser experiences. But there was a bit of confusion creeping in. See, they weren't sure which Norton app to start with to get all the main features of their subscription. And honestly, who wants to download a bunch of apps just to get what they paid for, right? Our awesome customers let us know they weren't too keen on that idea.

It became crystal clear that we needed to sort out this multiple-apps situation, especially when they were bombarded with alerts from different apps that looked and felt totally different.

From a user experience point of view, we spotted some hiccups between our iOS and Android security apps. Plus, we had to figure out how to blend the different styles, features, and structures of each app. And let's not forget, we wanted to make sure our customers felt good using our stuff and had a smooth experience with their subscription. That's where the real challenge lay.

Previous Apps from Norton-

1. Create an all-encompassing cybersecurity application that seamlessly integrates essential features for security, identity protection, and privacy. 

2. Enhance and optimize the architecture and user experiences within each feature category of the app. 

3. Utilize the mobile channel to attract and onboard new Norton customers effectively.

My initial step involved compiling a diverse array of apps that serve as direct competitors, alongside those offering integrated experiences with multiple features and perspectives. This comprehensive analysis was essential for gaining insights into the functionalities and user behaviors of these apps, thereby informing strategies to streamline and enhance our own user experience.
~ Dashlane
~ McAfee
~ Mint
~ Credit Karma

~ Google home
~ Arlo
~ Ring
~ Turbo
~ Chase/Citi/Discover apps
Know Thy User !!
Customer Research Highlights-
Collaborating closely with product managers and marketing insights teams, I conducted research to collect data on customer interactions with our Cyber Safety Platform (CSP), their feedback on the user experience, and the demographics of our customer base.


Current Norton customers with a comprehensive cyber safety subscription.


1. New customers acquired through the mobile app and play stores.
2. Customers who purchased in e-store or retail
User Personas-
The Norton product line mostly breaks down into two main set of users:
1. The Proactive Protectors-
2. The Safety-seeking Delegates-
~ Define ~
From the outset, I engaged in cross-functional collaboration, actively participating in numerous stakeholder meetings alongside our product manager and engineering architect. Together, we focused on optimizing our feature set, which not only resulted in a refined architecture but also crafted a compelling narrative for our customers. This collaborative effort was instrumental in seamlessly integrating the VPN and identity apps, enhancing the overall user experience and value proposition.
Defining Features-
During the feature defining phase, I conducted evaluations of our existing features, which included renaming, consolidating similar ones, and eliminating unnecessary elements. Following the streamlining of the security app, my attention shifted towards optimizing and integrating the features of the VPN privacy and identity app. This involved devising new frameworks for presenting these features within the app, ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly experience.
1. Outlining desired features 
2. Refining each area a.
3. Refining each area b.
Information Architecture
Developing whiteboard sketches to arrange features and structure information is crucial. Determining the optimal presentation of information within relevant sections while ensuring users can navigate through the vast amount of data with clarity poses a significant challenge. However, this challenge can be alleviated by meticulously mapping out the architecture with raw details. I shared the information architecture with stakeholders across the company, ranging from senior VP engineering leaders to fellow designers and product managers. It was imperative to ensure the app's integrity was robust throughout this process.
IA Blockframe
User Flow

Combining all these powerful features posed a challenge because each one needed to be set up separately. We didn't want to overload users with too much at the beginning, so we decided not to put all of these setup steps right at the start. This way, people could jump into using the app faster.

Another thing we had to think about was how to smoothly blend in the VPN privacy and identity app features with the main security platform. We needed to plan it carefully so that everything felt like it belonged together and was easy to use. Making sure everything was clear and not too complicated for users was really important during this process.
In this phase, we carefully analyzed key aspects like how users interact with the app, the main dashboard, and individual feature interfaces. We also considered other important elements. To streamline this process, we quickly iterated through sketches. This helped us organize all the gathered information effectively, allowing for efficient decision-making and refinement in designing the app's structure and interface.
In this phase, I emphasized modularity to ensure the app could adapt to different devices. By removing the bottom navigation bar, I aimed to enhance flexibility in scaling features. I explored a swipe interface, akin to Credit Karma, and a traditional navigation system, offering users intuitive ways to navigate the app.
These changes aimed to create a more adaptable and user-friendly experience, allowing users to focus on specific areas of interest while accommodating the varied device preferences of our customers.
User Testing and Validation

Following alignment on the chosen direction, I collaborated with our researchers to conduct user testing to assess the UI's clarity, navigation comprehension, and feature understanding based on our naming conventions. Additionally, we evaluated concerns related to the swipe UI concept, ultimately deciding to remove it due to potential swipe gesture issues.
Final Vision

I aimed to develop a vision that prioritized modularity and clarity while encompassing a wide array of features. It was crucial to maintain simplicity in the main UI, ensuring users could easily navigate without being overwhelmed. Users require a high-level overview to gauge their safety status, along with real-time alerts both within and outside the app to notify them of any issues. Advanced users can delve deeper into additional levels, particularly when troubleshooting is necessary.
~ Design ~
Following validation, I developed fresh Norton brand elements, ensuring customers encountered a design that was both simple and inviting. The focus of the experience was on providing clarity to customers while also delighting them with subtle touches. The dashboard offers a straightforward view of their cyber safety subscription, keeping them informed about their current status across all aspects.
Visual Exploration
Final Design
Once I finalized the look and feel and received approval from our UX leadership, I established a design standard for our team to follow. I developed the style for the Norton 360 app across the main UI, scan, Security, and other areas, enabling my designers to apply these styles consistently in our Identity and Privacy sections. Additionally, I collaborated with our interaction designer to execute the vision for an engaging app experience, incorporating animations and transitions to bring the app to life. This approach aimed to engage users psychologically, creating a sense of active protection through looping animations of waveforms and unique feature graphics, along with smooth transitions, conveying continuous threat monitoring in the background.
Onboarding Flows & More...
Critical Flows-
Considerable attention was dedicated to the initial setup process, alongside various other use cases. Ensuring users could easily navigate the app and discover necessary setup tasks was crucial, with a particular emphasis placed on configuring device security first. This approach aimed to empower users to secure their phones before engaging with other features requiring sensitive personal information.
~ Develop ~
After establishing the primary design assets, the next step involved developing component sheets tailored for both design and engineering teams. Collaborating closely with engineers, I identified shared components essential for consistent implementation throughout the app. Additionally, I curated a comprehensive design library to facilitate the work of other designers, not only within the mobile app but also across various applications. These component library sheets were then integrated into platforms like Zeplin or Figma, where engineers accessed detailed specifications and assets, streamlining the development process and ensuring alignment between design and implementation.
Styleguide & Component Library
Build & Demo Reviews-
In my role as the Lead UX Designer, I actively engaged in bi-weekly demo reviews for the app, providing valuable insights and feedback. Additionally, I took the initiative to install app builds on a mobile phone, meticulously examining them for any unnoticed defects. Subsequently, I compiled a comprehensive list of identified issues and collaborated closely with multiple engineering teams to ensure that these defects were promptly logged, addressed, and resolved in alignment with Norton's design standards. This hands-on approach to quality assurance helped uphold the integrity and usability of the app, ensuring a seamless experience for Norton users.
~ Deploy ~
Continuously improving the app is an ongoing endeavor, even after its launch. Recognizing that perfection is elusive, I leverage our analytics to gather telemetry data, customer reviews, and other valuable feedback. This information serves as a compass for enhancing the user experience, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing necessary adjustments to ensure the app evolves in line with user needs and preferences. By actively listening to user feedback and analyzing data insights, we strive to deliver a continuously improving experience that meets and exceeds user expectations.
Key Metrics-

Key metrics for evaluating the success of this enhanced app experience encompass:

1. Acquisition of new customers via the App Store and Google Play.

2. Rate of feature activation for active protection.

3. Customer satisfaction regarding the ease of utilizing core subscription features within a single app, as opposed to multiple apps.

4. Conversion rates from trial to paid subscriptions, particularly for higher tier SKUs on mobile platforms.

5. Rates of feature setup by users.

Crafting such a comprehensive experience was both challenging and fulfilling. Integrating features from different origins posed unique challenges, but starting with a clear foundation and prioritizing essential elements was key. As the product lead, I focused on establishing the architecture and design for critical areas first, ensuring flexibility for adjustments as needed during development. Building the core structure before diving into specifics was essential.


Moving forward, gathering user feedback and telemetry data will help pinpoint areas for improvement in the live product. While there are additional ideas for enhancing engagement with customer-focused updates and providing useful information, these would expand the scope beyond an MVP product. I believe in continuous improvement through data-driven iteration and discovery, recognizing that perfection is a journey rather than a destination.
DISCLAIMER: This product is property of NortonLifeLock Inc. all involvement and designs were done while collaborating with the Norton Global Product Design team.
Norton 360 App Case Study


Norton 360 App Case Study
