The Problem
Nike ISPA isn't selling well due to its niche market appeal, high price point, limited awareness, functional focus over fashion, stiff competition, and market saturation.

What is ISPA?
Nike ISPA stands for "Improvise, Scavenge, Protect, Adapt." It's a line of footwear and apparel designed by Nike that emphasizes innovation, sustainability, and adaptability. The ISPA collection is known for its experimental designs, use of recycled materials, and emphasis on solving specific problems athletes and urban dwellers face.

The products often feature unique aesthetics and cutting-edge technology aimed at enhancing performance and comfort in various environments.

The Solution
Position Nike ISPA as the ultimate choice for urban creatives who value unique, sustainable style. By emphasizing ISPA's use of innovative materials and distinctive designs, we highlight how each shoe model represents aspects of urban living and personal expression.

Our slogan, "Step Towards a Sustainable Future," captures the essence of the campaign, appealing to those who seek eco-conscious footwear that stands out.

NIKE ISPA Campaign


NIKE ISPA Campaign
