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Digital Portrait & Photo-Manipulation.

A Digital Portrait & Photo-Manipulation by Hassan El-Kaàbout.
created for master place restaurant in taourirt.

This artwork is a digital painting titled "Coffee Gazes." by : Hassan El-Kaàbout.

The colors were carefully chosen to match the restaurant's interior atmosphere, adding a touch of life and warmth. The contemplative gaze in the woman's features breaks her out of the frame, allowing her to merge with the restaurant's surroundings.

Additional details:
The painting depicts a woman holding and enjoying a cup of coffee.
The woman's expression is serene and thoughtful, suggesting that she is lost in her own thoughts.
The colors used in the painting are warm and inviting, creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.
The overall effect of the painting is one of tranquility and contemplation.

Additional notes:
The title of the painting, suggests that the woman is enjoying a simple, uncomplicated cup of coffee.
The fact that the woman is lost in her own thoughts suggests that she is taking some time for herself to relax and unwind.
The warm and inviting colors used in the painting create a sense of comfort and ease.
The overall effect of the painting is one of peace and tranquility.

Artwork Title: Starry Wali
Medium: Photo manipulation

 This artwork is a captivating blend of Vincent van Gogh's iconic "Starry Night" painting and the majestic Mount 44 Wali, a landmark in Taourirt, Morocco. The fusion of these two distinct elements creates a surreal and dreamlike atmosphere, while simultaneously paying homage to the city's rich natural beauty and cultural heritage.

The artwork depicts a mesmerizing night sky ablaze with swirling stars, reminiscent of van Gogh's signature brushstrokes. Beneath this celestial panorama lies the Mount 44 Wali. The mountain's imposing presence anchors the composition, establishing it as a pivotal element of the cityscape.

Artistic Interpretation:
The fusion of "Starry Night" and Mount 44 Wali serves as a metaphorical representation of Taourirt's essence. Just as the stars illuminate the darkness, Mount 44 Wali stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration for the city's inhabitants. The artwork's dreamlike quality invites viewers to transcend the boundaries of reality and immerse themselves in the city's enchanting ambiance.

Starry Wali not only serves as a captivating piece of art but also carries profound symbolic meaning. It celebrates the harmonious coexistence of nature and human civilization, highlighting the importance of preserving the city's natural heritage while embracing its cultural vibrancy. The artwork serves as a reminder of Taourirt's unique identity and its enduring legacy.

Overall Impression:
Starry Wali is a masterful fusion of artistic styles and natural wonders. It captivates the senses with its mesmerizing beauty while simultaneously conveying a deeper message about the city's identity and spirit. The artwork serves as a testament to the power of art to transcend cultural boundaries and inspire a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around us.

Hassan El-Kaàbout 2024.

Indulge your senses in the delightful embrace of my design.
Should it leave you feeling uplifted and inspired, I humbly request a gentle "Appreciation" to honor my creative endeavor, accompanied by the gracious act of following my artistic ajourney.

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Digital Portrait & Photo-Manipulation.


Digital Portrait & Photo-Manipulation.
