More Design Ideas? See for yourself! 

Packaging Design, Coffee Bag Design, Branding Design, 3DMockup
Identity Design, Corporate Design, Branding Design, Concept Store
Event Invitation
Project brief:

Concept, Digital Branding, Logo Design, Logo Video Presentation, Web Design, App, Scroll Animation Effect, UI/UX Experience, Device Optimisation (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile), Screen Design, Micro Animations, Interactions, Online Product Shop, Payment Integration, Brand Identity, Identity Manual, Mockups, Stickers, Print Tests, Envelope, Business Cards, Merchandise, Coffee Packaging, Paper Cup.

CA+FE: Where Chemistry Meets Coffee

Inspired by the precision of science and the transformative nature of roasting, we designed CA+FE to celebrate the pure essence of specialty coffee. Our minimalist aesthetic showcases the meticulously sourced beans, highlighting their unique origins and altitudes. The bold color palette and clean typography create a sophisticated brand experience designed for discerning coffee lovers who crave both exceptional flavor and a refined, design-conscious approach.

Concept Chemistry:

CA+FE is a premium coffee brand that draws inspiration from the precision and transformative nature of chemistry. The name references the chemical symbols for Caffeine (CA) and Iron (FE), hinting at the energizing power of coffee and suggesting a deeper connection to its elemental nature. The brand embraces minimalist design to showcase the meticulous selection of high-quality coffee beans.


