Alyssa Ross's profile

Re:act Billboard Design Campaign

Project Brief 
For this project, we were tasked with designing a positive safe-driving billboard and campaign that educates and raises awareness to 17-25-year-olds and change their behavior, of not being distracted by cell phones as a pedestrian and as a driver. 
Before designing our billboards, we first had to conduct a survey that observed road behaviors of both drivers and pedestrians from ages 17-25. The minimum sample size was 20, but for my research I gathered a total of 37 responses. The sample was expected to be filled with a diverse range of individuals and responses. 
My research showed that 78% of the responses believed that using their cell phone while driving was risky, while 51% believed that using their cell phone as a pedestrian in the road environment was risky. Personal stories included almost getting hit while texting, or being in crashes due to changing songs or reaching for their phone. However, many of the respondents admitted to still using their phones in a road environment despite the high-risk. When asked how they try to avoid distracted driving, many individuals noted that they enable Do Not Disturb, Driving mode, or silence their notifications. Using the information from my research, I came up with several campaign slogans.
Short Stories & Slogans
After gathering data, we were tasked with creating short stories comprised of 4-6 words and potential slogans. I focused more on distracted driving instead of distracted pedestrians up with these stories.

1.) Leave earlier, drive slower, live longer
2.) Driving faster can cause a disaster
3.) Stop crashes before they stop you
4.) Alert today, alive tomorrow

These short stories led to these final slogans:

1.) Silence your text, not your life
2.) Faster? Disaster
3.) Be Alert. Crashes Hurt!​​​​​​​
Sketches & Design Concept
My inital ideas were to have the symbols/ icongraphy be the biggest component and have the slogans be secondary. However, I felt that the message of the slogans were the most important compared to the visual aesthetic and decided to play with the point of emphasis for the billboard.
After receiving feedback during the mid-semester check-in, I decided to alter the colors and slogans for my first drafts. We were also tasked with creating a landing page for our favorite Billboard design. 
Final Designs
Final Billboard
Re:act Billboard Design Campaign

Re:act Billboard Design Campaign
