The Art Garden: living the cemetery
Collective exhibition opened on Sept. 13th 2014

"There are about 300 hectar of unused cemetery ground in Berlin’s inner city. This land can be recycled and reclaimed for the living through gardening initiatives.
GRÜNE LIGA Berlin and ENTRETEMPO KITCHEN GALLERY decided to take action and resume responsibilty for one of this hidden gems: the abandoned cemetary St. Georgen Parochial I. 
Based on the experiences of the Matria Jardín in Oaxaca, Mexico, this project will revive the site by turning it into an art garden, a place of physical and mental recreation and most of all: a place for everyone.
The garden will stay open to new artists and ideas, creating a live space that is in a constant state of regeneration. As a grassroots-project the Art Garden lives and grows with the people who contribute to it."


Personal Statement:

What I find most beautiful in cemetery visits is the spiritual peace of senses caused by the presence of deep Respect and Stillness.
Respect relies on the presence of memory. Stillness is perceivable because of those small events that break the stillness itself: a passage of a squirrel. A laughter. A falling pine cone. An old memory.
As I thought about these scenes, I connected them with traditional japanese Haiku poetry and right away I proposed myself to undertake a full-immersion in St. Georgen Parochial abandoned cemetery, to be recorded in a series of one-page comics, as if they were 'Visual Haikus'.
As a result of several mornings of sketching, this series of 3 One-page Comics was exhibited at the opening of the Art Garden in Saint Georgen Parochial Cemetery in Berlin. 
– Traffic –
– Cat –
– Familie –
Performance at the Art Garden

On Sept. 13th 2014, date of the opening of the Art Garden, I was called to make a performance. 
With the participation of Ilaria Commisso's masterful hand, I created the spirit of a bird who carries its cage inside its own body.
As we walked along the paths of the abandoned cemetery, the bird and I, barely visible through the translucid body of the spirit, we started interacting until I call the spirit's head inside its body and we join. Then, after a moment of retreat, we reborn together and wander again among the trees.
making of the Bird Spirit
building the skeleton of the bird mask.
Ilaria Commisso, puppet maker
trying out the costume
The Bird Spirit on site
credits for photo: Ana Anadtze
participating artists:
Mauricio Cervantes
Samatha Leiva
Anne Duk Hee Jordan
Tomás Espinosa
Rune Bosse
Renata Har
Beatrice Davies
Lenara Verle
Nate Anspaugh
Mathieu Sylvestre
Beth Dillon
Iara Guedes
Javier Blanco
The Art Garden

The Art Garden

Series of One-page comics and a performance of dance and puppetry in St. Georgen abandoned Parochial cemetery, Berlin, on Sept. 13th 2014.


Creative Fields