18+ ONLY!

18+ ONLY!

Aim :

" To educate 1st time voters about how much their vote matters and what change it will bring in the nation we vision for. "

18+ ONLY! is an interactive application which can turn the user's mind to engage with it. According to this the ultimate goal was to educate people regarding voting. we as a group brainstormed for a few of the topics whose ultimate goal was to educate people. After certain discussion we came to the topic of “voting awareness” and to narrow it down more,  our targeted audience were our campus students who just turned 18 and the ones who will be going to vote for the first time.

WHO - the 1st time voters.
WHAT - an interactive screen making people aware about voting.
WHY - to make their vision for voting ‘wise’.

Starting with the design of our screen for voting awareness , it wasn’t just meant for giving information, our motive was to make them engaged with the screen as well as making them know the difference their vote makes in the nation. For that we tried making them vote and make them decide how to vote and whom to make the winner. This is where they tried various scenarios of making 2 party win , dividing the votes equally within 3 parties , giving major votes to NOTA and that’s how they learned about various scenarios and the result they got.
We made a hypothetical scenario where our user can vote and see the result where they were given 33 votes completely on to them to see what happens if they use it wisely.
18+ ONLY!