A personal project that indulges in my passion for horology and the world of entertainment, combined into a simple social media endeavour.

See the account here now

The account launch caption is as follows:

Welcome to escapement. Where time meets creativity. Follow along in a growing collection of the watches from the world of entertainment and pop culture. From iconic scenes to lesser known gems across cinema, television, gaming, music and more, escapement will highlight each piece in simple celebration of both arts of watch making and creative works of entertainment. 
@escapement_culture #film #tv #gaming #popculture #action #sci_fi #wristwatch #watchesoffilm #watchesoftv #watchesofgaming #watchesofinstagram #cinema #television #gaming #music #watchoftheday #watchenthusiast
The post format

The first frame is dedicated to the work of media, whether it be film, TV, gaming or music, detailing the core information such title, year made, director, cast and genre.

The second frame is centred around the watch that feature in the work, displaying details of the watch, it's type, the movement and other salient information such water resistence.

The captions for posting contain an abridged summary of the film from Wikipedia and short details on the timepiece featured.

Future special posts will deep-dive into specific watches that may have even more notable media appearances.
Special posts
The page so far

