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Childcare House

AREA: 294 feet
DIRECTOR: Wyan Yeung
YEAR: 2021

What’s Childcare House?
Parents, who are not free at the moment for taking care of their children, leave the children at Childcare House. Let them to have fun and be accompanied by trustworthy neighbor(s). And Childcare House is used to provide a safe, healthy and happy space with amusement rides in order to maintain/ enhance their physical and mental health...

Healthy growth is the thing people wanted
Mental issues of children
According to the World Health Organization, 10 to 20 per cent of children and young people worldwide experience mental disorders. In Hong Kong, the number of patients aged below 18 who have mental illness has rapidly increased in recent years, from 28,800 cases in 2015 to 39,700 in 2019.
Over the past year, the social and political turmoil, coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic, has brought about unprecedented challenges to our society, devastating the livelihoods of many vulnerable families. Prolonged closures of schools and public facilities for children have also compounded the existing mental health problems that children and young people are faced with, further deteriorating their health and well-being.​​​​​​​
Encourage Children to Play
To children, play is just fun. However, playtime is as important to their development as food and good care. Playtime helps children be creative, learn problem-solving skills and learn self-control. Good, hardy play, which includes running and yelling, is not only fun, but helps children to be physically and mentally healthy.​​​​​​​
Relationship between Exercise & Health 
(physical & mental)
Physical educators agree that physical activity may prevent depressive symptoms.
“Exercise has a positive effect on creating mentally healthy children by releasing feel-good brain chemicals that may ease depression,” said Saunders.
Dr. Christina Hibbert, clinical psychologist, and author of “8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise,” believes in physical activity as a means of therapy. Exercise has helped her overcome depression and anxiety.
“Personally, I’ve used cardiovascular exercise to help me overcome struggles with depression, and strength training/flexibility exercises have helped me overcome anxiety,” Hibbert told Healthline.
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Childcare House


Childcare House
