Daniel Hughes's profile

10 Things I love and hate about my home

This Is my cat Suki and she is something that I love and hate, I love her for being an adorable but insane cat who'll sit on my lap when I'm playing Dota 2 or watching TV. I hate her for killing and eating mice and birds, pooping in the house, demanding to be let back in the house at 4 am even though she only went out five minutes ago and letting out the most horrific screams whenever she sees another cat.
So I overall I love her.
This poor friendly black cat is often the aimed at target of the horrendous screams my cat will release whenever she sees him or her, I don't really hate this cat but I'm obliged to over my cat's hatred of him/her or any other cat she see's, and she seriously hates this cat as he/she's got a large bump on the other side of his/her face from where my cat has attacked him/ her.
I hate this wall in the guest bedroom of my house as it's covered in cat scratches from my cat Suki and this adds onto another reason I hate her sometimes, along with ripping of the wall paper, my cat regulariliy try's to use me as a scratching post as well.
My very large collection of books is something I deeply love for all the pleasure, joy, happy-moments, sad-moments and eye-strain I've gained from reading my collection of over 100 of them.
I both love and hate my Dad's car. I love it because it provides an excellent taxi service free of charge. I hate it because of the countless I times I've had to clean it, and because of how quickly I can start to feel car-sick inside of it.
I love my Gaming Chair because it is a great place to sit and watch TV in my room or play PS3/ PS4 as their are speakers in the back of the chair, although since I bought it many years ago the speakers no longer work and the chair makes a squeaking noise every few seconds whenever you move around in it.
I love this massive fake giant Coca-Cola can as I've been dropping £1 and £2 coins in there for about a year now and it's gotten very heavy but only feels like it's a third full, I'm very excited for the day it reaches it's maximum weight and refuses to accept any more coins as I hope i'll get back as much as £200.
This is one of the things I love most in my house, My favourite video games that were good enough to survive me selling all my other PS3 games to GAME. Skyrim, Dark Souls, all the Assassin's Creed games, Darksiders 2 (GTA 5 And Dark Souls 2 were also on the list but they weren't on this shelf) and Far Cry 3 were the best games I played on last gen so they remain as mementos along with Kingdom Hearts 2, my favourite game from PS2 that also survived being sold.
My computer is something I love very much, without it I wouldn't have my small steam collection of games, I wouldn't have spent so much time laughing at YouTube videos or having dull conversations with people over Facebook. I also wouldn't be able to be writing these sentences, and most importantly without it I wouldn't have the Internet/ WiFi.
I love my PS3 and PS4 more than anything else in my house for the same reason I love my computer, I don't know what I would do without them. I mean I probably would've done better in school without them but still they matter a lot to me and I've had some of my happiest moments playing games with friends on these consoles.
I hate this gargantiuam path that I have to walk down every monday, tuesday and thursday to get to college, I especially hate coming back home in the evening as by this point it gets really dark down here and I need a torch to go down it, as well as all the bats flying around at night that seem to love flying right past my face so they nearly hit me.
I hate the spilled paint on the ground here from where I was painting the other side of the fence-gate rather sloppily and ended up spilling the paint which now refuses to be washed away 
I love my television that I play my PS3 and PS4 games on and for all the great programmes I've watched on my television like Sherlock, Family guy or The Big Bang Theory.
I hate my wardrobe behind the sliding mirrors because of the large amount of rubbish underneath my clothes, filled with old board games, children's toys and more board games, if I every try and move anything around in there it causes everything to come tumbling out whenever I open the wardrobe, which in itself is a struggle as their is usually something blocking the door from opening or closing fully.
10 Things I love and hate about my home

10 Things I love and hate about my home

10 things I love and hate about my home


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