Phap Le's profile

Community Service App Design Project

Community Service App
What is the invention, and who is it intended for? What is the goal of the product?  This invention allow user to find community service jobs to help improve their resume. This invention is intended for ex-convicts. The goal of this product is to help ex-convict feel welcome again back into society, and improve their criminal records while still helping their community.
Research Summary: 
What did you focus on for assignment 5 and why? How did that inform your design? What was revealed in peer testing and user testing? I focus on an idea to help the ex-convict feel welcome again while making easier for them to find jobs because ex-convicts struggles to find a good paying job due to their history, criminal records, and unwanted behavior. I thought of community service jobs that allows civilian in community that requires more helping hands, from ex-convict that wanted to feel welcome again. In the user testing, It had a 100% success rate. They were able to find things very easily. Add a back out button that leads to the previous page due to being inconvenient. Add a back out button or a sign out button in the settings page. Based on the experience, I felt like I should add more buttons or interaction to the app to make it a little bit more difficult task for them to figure it out. I wanted to add a scrolling feature to allow them to do more. Add a list button in username and password. After watching them click the sign out button multiple times, I felt like I should add a pop up saying are you sure if you want to sign out or are you sure if you want to delete the account but at the same time it may be inconvenient. 

Low Fidelity
Flow Chart
Change Summary:
What design decisions and iterations did you make based on testing and feedback?
I added a lot of things and changes based on the paper prototype and the new digital prototype. In the paper prototype, I only started with only six screens then I started to add more. After doing an interview I wanted to see how they liked the app design and what other improvement I could’ve done to the app. I added a hamburger bar, and two setting screens for profile and regular setting, I also added an arrow to get the next screen and added a calendar. There were only thirteen screens, after doing an interview and improving the design of my app. but when I got into the digital prototype there were now twenty seven screens. I added more screens for the user to interact. I added a scrolling feature on three other screens to show more things to do on the app. I added a new tab where the user can create and add jobs to their task. I also made an add button where the user can choose which two tasks they wanted to add instead of being random tasks. I also added a make sure button for signing out and delete account to give a verification of signing out. I added a blur effect in the background when a pop up appears to make the user only focus on the popup instead of the background. I spaced the tiles and words out, so it won’t be squished or cluttered the screen. I added a backspace in profile setting and setting to go back. I added an on and off switch visual instead of the words. I added a calendar for the visuals for the user and let them know what task you have on that day. I got rid of the keyboard from the paper prototype on the digital due to now being part of the app design. I added couple more screen in home, task, and setting pages to be more interactive. I changed the colors of the bottom buttons for rewards and map to be white then red, yellow, and blue to match the looks of the rest of the buttons. I've darken the buttons to show that the user have clicked there already.
Medium Fidelity
High Fidelity
High Fidelity Updated
Medium Fidelity Prototype
High Fidelity Prototype
Community Service App Design Project

Community Service App Design Project
