My Boy
He held my entire world together like a diplomat steering a nation through chaos. Just as buildings require brick, stone, and adhesive to maintain their integrity, he became the crucial element that kept my life intact. Previously, my existence seemed as fragile as if held together by nothing stronger than gum and snot, vulnerable to the merest gust of wind. But when he arrived, he became the only bond strong enough to fortify every corner of my chaotic life.

During moments when I felt myself unraveling, he was there to remind me of his constant presence. He assured me he would never leave. It might sound selfish, but he always highlighted our mutual dependency: he relied on me for food and shelter, while I depended on him to keep me whole. This arrangement never seemed toxic to me; rather, it was a source of comfort. 

We shared the same bed, and he would gently wipe away my tears, easing the worries and fears about what lay ahead. I always knew he was there—and always would be. Although I was aware that nature’s design meant he might leave before me, I tried to prepare myself for that eventual acceptance.

As he sat beside me, I reminisced about all we had shared and all he had done for me. He had been my steadfast companion during every moment I had wanted to escape my own existence. How could I consider leaving when he was always there, waiting? How could I demand more when all he needed was me?

I looked at him again, as I did everyday, with eyes full of love. He returned my gaze with the most understanding look one could ever hope for. How did I deserve something so wonderful? Angels do exist, I realized. Sometimes, they’re just orange, with four legs and the fluffiest fur.

My Boy

My Boy
