"Capturing life's moments through the lens, I'm Yacine, a passionate videographer and photographer based in Dubai, originally from Algeria. From captivating visuals to stunning designs, my website showcases a diverse portfolio of my work. Take your time to explore and immerse yourself in the stories I've captured. Feel free to connect with me on social media to discuss your next project or simply share your thoughts."
Skills :
- mastering camera techniques.
- proficiency in video editing software.
- lighting setup.
- drone pilot.
- colour grading & colour correction.
 -Directing & casting.
-Content creation. 
-Photo retouching.
 -Colour correction & grading 
-Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite.
- continuous learning.
Adobe premier pro
Davinci resolve 
After effects
photoshop lightroom
procreate (iPad)
Current work :
full time job :
- car show room as : videography , photography , graphic design .
part time job :
- freelancer as : product photography , branding photography , advertisement , street photography , clip video
graphic design .
my certificate :
more about me


more about me
