ROYAL ONION's profile

GHOST WOOD (revisited)

Coast Forest Fog
Ghost Wood Nienhagen
Nienhagen Wood (Nienhäger Holz) immediately behind the roughly 12 metre high sea cliffs. This mixed forest is circa 180 hectares in area and is called Ghost Wood (Gespensterwald) by the locals. The origin of this description is not exactly known, but is probably derived from its 1.25 kilometre long and around 100 metre wide coastal strip of the wood, which is mainly stocked with beech and a few oaks. The beech trees, in particular, have been shaped by the sea winds, grow mainly on one side and have twisted, snake-like branches, which gives them a ghostly appearance especially at twilight and in the mist.
GHOST WOOD (revisited)

GHOST WOOD (revisited)

Trying to capture
