What it means to bleed?

Well, we all have blood right? In scientific definition, the act of bleeding means the total or partial exit of our blood cells through our open veins.

In this case, there's a metaforic meaning about it, our blood is our life trading coin, we bleed for something we need to survive, at birth, all our effort requires blood, sweat and tears. In this collection I pretend to transmit our sacrifices as artists, designers, and people in general, along with real causes, in the form of blood.

Now, you're about to see 5 pieces (1 analogic and 4 digital, along with some merch proposals) each one will represent a word that means so much for this message and the people, I hope you enjoy this collection, give me your comments and appreciation.

Analogic piece

Digital piece collection


Design and concept by FM artz
Images from Pexels, Unsplash, Freepik
All rights reserved




What it means to bleed? We all have blood in our veins, we lose our blood for something like injuries and metaphorically, we have to sacrifice so Read More
