Keerthana Dubey's profile

INDDEE - Brand Identity

INDDEE is a fine-dining modern Indian restaurant located in the heart of Bangkok. I worked with them to create a brand identity that would reflect the essence of their mission - to make Indian traditions and knowledge creatively simple. The visual language drew inspiration from the restaurant’s architecture, featuring arches that symbolize the gateway to extraordinary experiences.
Additionally, the lush gardens surrounding the dining rooms inspired the incorporation of foliage motifs throughout the brand’s visuals. The outcome is an identity that reflects an enticing blend of adventure, exploration, simplicity, and sensory delight that elevates the perception of fine Indian cuisine for global audiences.

Studio: Crucible Gold
Collaborators: Johnny Ganta, Tanya Chandnani

The INDDEE logo is composed of three elements that combine to symbolize the brand's mission.

The Arch
The Arch is a doorway to new experiences. Echoed through the spatial design, the motif symbolises journeys of choice, where the ability to act with sincerity and a clear mind opens the doors of potential into newfound opportunity.

The upward-pointing triangle represents the alchemical symbol of fire, the transmutational energy igniting the path to the future through the embers of the past. The force calls upon the purposeful evolution of diverse components united in transformative harmony.

The Matchstick
The match is the third component of the logo structure and representative of the tools, techniques and centuries of knowledge distilled into a simple, elegant form capable of kindling systems into motion. The form embodies the ‘I’ in Inddee, positioning us as a vessel channelling tradition and knowledge into the future of gastronomic experiences.
INDDEE - Brand Identity


INDDEE - Brand Identity
