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ACD and SPEA Collaboration

For 10 years, the American College of Dentists (ACD) and the Student Professionalism and Ethics Association in Dentistry (SPEA) have forged a partnership. Through this collaboration, both organizations have become more effective.

Established in 1920, the ACD has worked toward improving dentistry standards, encouraging graduate study, and providing grant funding for meritorious scholarship. Alternatively, the SPEA, a student-run organization, works toward promoting ethics in the industry. It also supports students and helps them strengthen their professional/personal ethics and values while advocating for its members.

The two organizations support one another’s stability and strength, with the ACD assisting the SPEA with funding. They also participate in each other’s functions and communicate among chapters. The SPEA recognizes the superiority of ACD Fellow. Nationally, the organizations promote each other through leadership partnerships, participating in each other’s media activities, and SPEA representation at ACD meetings.

Since the beginning of their partnership, the SPEA and ACD have grown together. In doing so, the organizations have reached people in the dental health professions at all stages of their careers.
ACD and SPEA Collaboration

ACD and SPEA Collaboration
