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"The NewEST Testament" Movie Poster

Movie Plot:
In Alcanterini, an Italian village now forgotten by time, life flows unchanged, anchored to religion and centuries-old traditions. Here, Angelo, the young caretaker of the town's cemetery, leads a double life: by day, he deals with flowers, soil, and graves; by night, he becomes the gatekeeper to a world where the boundaries between the real and the supernatural fades. 
Angelo is an innovator, a technology enthusiast who, almost in jest, will stage séances, challenging Death herself. These sessions, where participants believe they are communicating with their loved ones, will actually be meticulously orchestrated by Angelo, who will use technology to project images and voices in imitation of the dead. By doing so, Angelo will gather 12 disciples taking after the stories told on Jesus Christ in the New Testament of the Bible.
The story takes a turn with the encounter of a mysterious and captivating figure Angelo sees surrounded by butterflies in Alcanterini's cemetery. An angel? A demon? Or the Angel of Death herself, descended on Earth to accept Angelo's challenge?​​​​​​​

Concept Trailer
The poster for the fictional movie "The NewEST Testament" features a photograph created with the 3D modeling program Cinema4D.

In the image, a meticulously arranged desk stands against a wall adorned with a painting. The artwork portrays the famous religious icon of Jesus Christ ("Sacred Heart of Jesus" by Pompeo Batoni), but with a nearly dramatic modification: the radiant heart, traditionally held by Jesus in his palms, is depicted as "missing", replaced by a hole, a tear in the shape of a butterfly. In contrast, above the figure of Jesus, a white butterfly rests on his eyes, as if the insect had actually "flown away" from the painting and landed on him.
This symbolic choice alludes to the crucial role of butterflies in the plot, recalling the encounter between Angelo and his love interest, Giuditta, but also his interpretation of the butterflies as messengers from the beyond. Indeed, Angelo mistakes the insects for angelic entities, psychopomps, or even the Angel of Death, come to earth to collect and drag him to where he would pay the penalty for his deceptions.
Therefore, the element of the butterfly takes on a dual significance that strengthens the link between themes of death, deception, and innocence: it is his own heart, Angelo's, that blinds him.

On the desk, key-narrative elements find their physical representation: a laptop, open and bright, displays the title "The New Testament", with a playful yet significant addition - a yellow sticky-note modifies the title to "The NewEST Testament", underscoring Angelo's audacity and innovation in confronting the sacred and the profane. Beside the laptop, a range of personal and professional items - flowers, a digital camera, and a projector - narrate his dual life, between the role of cemetery florist and medium.

Compositionally, the photograph is optically divided into two sections of contrasting colors: one warm, bathed in yellow light coming from outside, and one cold, illuminated by the bluish light of the laptop.
1. The warm section symbolizes the spiritual and transcendental aspects of Angelo's life: the light, filtering through the window, reflects on the painting of Jesus as prison bars, suggesting that Angelo feels trapped not only in his small town, Alcanterini, but also by the expectations and religious conventions it represents. This interpretation, however, is more of a free reading than an actual representation.
2. The cold section, on the other hand, represents Angelo's immersion in technology and deception. The light illuminates the three elements of his earthly life: the florist's occupation, with the vase and flowers, and the role of sensitive/medium with the projector and the digital camera. These are representative elements of Angelo's internal conflict and his ongoing struggle to reconcile traditional beliefs and his own aspirations.
Creative Process Documentation
"The NewEST Testament" Movie Poster


"The NewEST Testament" Movie Poster
