Lindsay Korth's profile

• Birds • watercolor

Birds are one of my favourite subjects, regardless of the technique used. Here is a selection of watercolor studies and illustrations in different approaches.
Cambacica, "Bananaquit"; Coereba flaveola (A5, watercolor) - It's such a joy to observe the tiny, agile Cambacicas from my kitchen window, either feeding from the jabuticabeira (a magnificent Brazilian grapetree) or looking for straw to build their nest. And it was a joyful journey to depict one of them in tiny watercolour brushstrokes.
Sparrows - a freehand painting series experiment with granulating watercolour pigments and varied techniques.
Ground doves (A5, watercolor) - I found a few photographs of this lovely pair in an old album. The light of the setting sun, the different textures and, most importantly, the pose and look of the two lovebirds formed an irresistible set for painting.
• Birds • watercolor


• Birds • watercolor
