Glorija Krastina's profile

🌸 Ideal Daily Care (IDC) 🌺

🌺 Ideal Daily Care branding 🌸
IDC - is a company, that creates skincare products out of natural materials. Each product is crafted using delicate floral extracts and nourishing natural elements. Embracing a sense of tranquility and purity, brand is dedicated to providing a luxurious and soothing experience. 🌷
This project included:
🌼 Logo
🌼 Color palette
🌼 Floral pattern
🌼 Product packaging

The design for this skincare brand reflects a harmonious blend of gentle floral motifs and natural elements. Soft, organic shapes and soothing color palettes evoke a sense of tranquility, with clean lines. The pattern that can be used across different merch is gentle and translates as natural and elegant. 🌸
🌸 Ideal Daily Care (IDC) 🌺


🌸 Ideal Daily Care (IDC) 🌺
