"Memory Game"

“Memory Game“ application is an interesting app, the main purpose of this app is to test your memory, it is easy and simple.
This Game is created by Xcode.
How to Play:
when you run the game there will be an image view that will display an image that represent a number, this image will change using a timer and the user must memorise what each image represent.
After that the user will press Start The Game button, this button will take you to a second page.
In the second page there will be a 5 buttons (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) and another image view that will display an image and the user will have to figure out which button represent this image.
If the user press the wrong button, alabel with not correct text will appear.
And if the user press the right button, alabel with correst text will appear, and the image will change to the next one.
And so on until the user answer all the images, and a label with you win text appear.
Check out the video of the mobile app
Memory Game

Memory Game

“Memory Game“ application is an interesting app, the main purpose of this app is to test your memory, it is easy and simple.
