Minseop Kim's profile

Graphic Design for a Local Craft Beer: Trevier

Graphic Design for a Craft Beer Company

Client: Trevier
Contribution: 50% (One designer - me, and one illustrator - responsible for watercolour illustration)
Role: Worked on illustrations for posters, packaging, coasters, leaflets, menus, and banners
Duration: December 2018 - February 2019
1. Problem Definition & Hypothesis Setting
Received feedback from franchise owners that "the existing beer imagery, which only represents the colour of the beer, fails to accurately convey the taste of the beer, making it difficult for customers to imagine the taste of the beer before actually trying it."
At that time, the company had a lineup of 9 different craft beers, each with very distinct tastes and aromas. It was hypothesized that images revealing only the colour of the beer would not sufficiently assist consumers in making their beer selections.
2. Creation of Concept Aligned with Hypothesis
In line with the hypothesis, images were created to be displayed above the beer dispensers, illustrating the ingredients (e.g., honey, chocolate, banana, etc.) that could evoke the taste and aroma of each craft beer (To achieve a watercolour feel that matches the existing brand, collaboration with a local artist was sought for the creation of the images).
3. Measurement of Success
After replacing the beer images with new ones, I received feedback from owners that sales of the beers had increased by 120%. Consequently, requests were received to produce images for the remaining beers. Based on the positive response to the pictures, the team leader requested rebranding using the successful images for coasters, menus, leaflets, and packaging.
Graphic Design for a Local Craft Beer: Trevier


Graphic Design for a Local Craft Beer: Trevier
