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MaisonJia 精品食材商店 |visual identity

Maison Jia 是一个售卖欧陆高级食材的专门店,它希望传递出欧式高级生活品味与 Gourmet 精品食材文化。Maison Jia 精心挑选每一种食材,深信美食能够跨越语言和文化的界限,将人们紧密相连,为您的餐桌增添无限的想象力,为您的厨房带来源源不断的灵感。以衬托食物美学为起始点,将传统手工艺制造食品与现代美学相结合,反应出品牌对真实性以及精品的向往,绘画食材的捕捉灵感源自欧洲优秀的绘画艺术,旨在展示食材的纤维感,自然美学,整体的设计极简追求环保性,放眼于地球生态。

Maison Jia is a specialty store selling European high-end ingredients, aiming to convey the taste of European luxury living and the culture of gourmet fine foods. Maison Jia carefully selects each ingredient, believing that beautiful food can transcend the barriers of language and culture, bringing people closer together, adding endless imagination to your dining table, and bringing a continuous source of inspiration to your kitchen. Starting with the enhancement of food aesthetics, the combination of traditional handcrafted food production and modern aesthetics reflects the brand's desire for authenticity and quality. The inspiration for depicting ingredients comes from Europe's fine art, aiming to showcase the texture of the ingredients and natural aesthetics. The overall design is minimalist, pursuing environmental friendliness, with a focus on the Earth's ecology.

MaisonJia 精品食材商店 |visual identity


MaisonJia 精品食材商店 |visual identity


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