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Combination activities

Combination activities
Combination activities are organized with multiple HE Tuber commodities as units. During the activity, the quantity and amount are calculated based on the entire unit. Because the calculation difficulty is a bit complicated, it is still rarely used in practice.
Here are a few easier ones. For other methods, refer to single product activity design.
1. Combo full discount

The purchased products are all in the activity settings,

 and if the cumulative amount of the products meets the set amount, the overall designated amount can be reduced. If you purchase multiple event products at the same time, and the amount reaches 1,000 yuan, you will get a 100 yuan discount.

2. Purchase in combination with increased price

The purchased products are all in the activity settings, and if the cumulative amount of the products meets the set amount, you can purchase other designated products by adding the specified amount. If you purchase multiple event products at the same time, if the amount reaches 1,000 yuan, you can add another 50 yuan to purchase another designated product.

3. Combination redemption

The purchased products are all in the activity, and if the cumulative amount of the products meets the set amount, you can choose any other designated product. If you purchase multiple event products at the same time and the cumulative amount reaches 500 yuan, you can exchange them for one other designated accessory.
Note: Whether it is a single product activity or a combination activity, all products participate in the activity, so the same product can only participate in one activity at the same time. Otherwise, the system cannot determine which activity to use when placing an order.

3. Order activities

Order activity is calculated based on the entire order. If there is a single product activity and there is an order-level activity at the same time, it is equivalent to a discount.
1. Discounts for full orders (same type of activities are mutually exclusive)
If the total order amount is greater than the activity setting amount, the entire order will be reduced by the specified amount. If the order total is greater than 500 yuan, the order will be reduced by 30 yuan.

2. Full discount on first order (same type of activities are mutually exclusive)
A specified amount will be deducted for the entire order placed by the user for the first time. If you place an order for the first time and the amount is greater than 100 yuan, you will get a 50 yuan discount.
Note: If you feel that there are too many types of activities, you don’t need to do order-level activities. In the next article, we will explain through vouchers that you can also reduce or reduce order-level activities without making too many changes to your business.

Combination activities

Combination activities
