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Home decoration category

Home decoration category
Case 11: Teach you how to use “waste” to make a Chinese aromatherapy in the office

Xiaohongshu popular article title: When HE Tuber we saw this title, w first identified the group of people: users who like aromatherapy, and secondly identified the scene: the office. When users see this scene at work, they can’t help but click in and browse, emphasizing Using "waste" to make aromatherapy is in line with the current concerns about environmental protection and sustainable development. Readers will be interested in this environmentally friendly idea and are willing to try and spread this concept.

The cover of Xiaohongshu's popular article: The cover echoes the theme. 

"Four-leaf Incense" is the name of the incense. The incense is lit on the ornaments, which creates a sense of atmosphere.
The content of Xiaohongshu’s explosive article: The content first compares the strangeness of this “weird” person, and compares it with other colleagues’ computer desktops to highlight ancient culture, and then uses a joke to lead to the video appearing in What to do, then there are detailed instructions on the material preparation, production process, tools used, etc. for making aromatherapy, and finally the finished product is displayed.

Comments on Xiaohongshu’s explosive article: 

The trend in the comment area is that it is difficult to collect materials, it is not the corresponding material season, I am confused because I can’t find the corresponding materials, and I followed the video, but the effect is not that good, etc. It is different from the trend of Xiangdao culture.

Copy homework: This note is considered a big hit,

 with 700,000 likes and 320,000 collections. We can probably estimate that the number of reads must be over 100 million. This note first takes advantage of the mentality of workers. Generate clicks from users and create aromatherapy in an office environment, which is highly practical for people working in the office. Office workers often face a lot of pressure. Making aromatherapy can help them relieve stress and relax. The content has practicality, environmental awareness, cultural elements and ease of operation, making it a popular Xiaohongshu article. .

Case 12: Get our exclusive photo wall for 100 yuan (you can do it if you have the skills)

The title of Xiaohongshu’s popular article: First, identify the crowd: young couples living together and users who like DIY and home decoration. Second, determine the scene: the photo wall at home. The words “100 yuan to get it done” and “you can do it with your hands” in the title imply This project is affordable and simple, attracting a lot of user interest.

Xiaohongshu hot article cover: The cover presents an exquisite photo wall, showing the results of the notes. This kind of visual effect makes people look forward to how to create their own photo wall, and the achievement of making it by themselves will make people feel more fulfilled.
The content of Xiaohongshu’s explosive article: The content records the entire process from the production, design and layout of wall photos to hanging photos, which is similar to the immersive style that was very popular before.

Comments on Xiaohongshu’s popular article: Many users in the comment area shared their experiences of making photo walls and expressed praise for the results of this product. Some users may also raise some questions, such as material selection or problems encountered during the production process. These interactions further increase the activity of notes.

Copy assignment: Seize the needs of users: affordable, simple and personalized home decoration. At the same time, couples will have a greater sense of accomplishment and happiness when completing one thing together. This kind of decoration is also an eye-catching feature at home. exist. This note captures the enjoyment of life and the characteristics of modern young couples. Rather than saying that they like to do this thing, it is better to say that they like to do it with the people they like. For home decoration DIY products, you can refer to it. this form.
Home decoration category

Home decoration category
