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Bloomvest - Brand Identity

Project Overview

Bloomvest is a financial empowerment company established to address the challenges faced by young adults in navigating the world of investments. Recognizing the common pain points of limited financial knowledge, budget constraints, and the need for accessible investment options, Bloomvest aims to simplify the journey towards financial prosperity.

In essence, Bloomvest is not just an investment platform, it is a holistic solution that nurtures financial growth, providing the tools, knowledge and support needed for young adults to bloom into financially empowered individuals.

Project Scope
Brand Naming, Logo Design, Brand Identity

Project Roles
Brand Naming & Brand Identity design - Demola Drey
Motion Graphics - Jameel Lawal

Brand Naming

The name "Bloomvest" is a carefully crafted fusion of two key elements, each carrying a distinct meaning and purpose:

Bloom: The term "Bloom" evokes the essence of growth, prosperity and the unfolding potential. It represents the transformation and flourishing that occurs when the right conditions are met. This aligns with the brand's mission to nurture financial growth and empower users to unlock their financial potential through wise investments.

Vest: "Vest" is a nod to the act of investing itself. It symbolizes protection, security and the commitment to safeguarding one's financial future. The term is commonly associated with investments and reinforces the idea of wrapping oneself in financial security through strategic choices.

Combined Significance: 

Metaphor for Growth: The combination of "Bloom" and "Vest" creates a powerful metaphor. It conveys the idea that by investing wisely with Bloomvest, individuals are planting the seeds of their financial future, allowing  their wealth to bloom and flourish over time.
Accessibility and Encouragement: The name carries an inviting and encouraging tone, suggesting that financial growth is not only achieveable but can be a beautiful and enriching experience. It emphasizes accessibility, inviting individuals to embrace the journey of investing with confidence.
In summary, the brand name captures the essence of the brand's mission - to foster financial growth, provide a sense of security and encourage individuals to embark on a journey where their financial potential can bloom and thrive.

Logo Rationale

With reference to the brand name, the logo is a visual representation of an abstract flower that embodies the brand's core values and communicates its mission effectively.

Growth and Blooming potential: The abstract flower petals were designed to convey a sense of unfolding and growth. The petals symbolises the progress and blossoming of one's financial potential.

Financial Stability: The central core is a stable and solid element, symbolizing financial security, strength and exellence. It reflects the trust and reliability that Bloomvest aims to provide to its users in their investment endeavours.

In conclusion, the logo is a visual representation of the brand's commitment to nurturing financial growth, stability and the blossoming potential within every individual's financial story. It serves as a powerful and versatile symbolm that encapsulates the brand's values and mission.

Colour Palette Overview

This colour palette creates a harmonius balance of growth, simplicity, vibrancy and financial stability. It reflects the brand's commitment to providing a well rounded  and inviting experience, ensuring users feel both secure and inspired on their financial journey.

This palette is also offers so much alternatives without feeling cluttered allowing for easy recognition and adaptablitiy to any required touchpoint.

Identity Development

In bringing everything together, the goal was to expand the logo, typography system and colour palette into a visual identity and stretch it across some relevant touchpoints.

This further brought the brand to life and left it open for further explorations and executions that would further establish and cement the brand as a trusted partner in the investment journey of its users.

Bloomvest - Brand Identity

Bloomvest - Brand Identity

Bloomvest is a financial empowerment company established to address the challenges faced by young adults in navigating the world of investments. Read More
