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The Yuanverse "travels lightly",

The Yuanverse "travels lightly", maybe we will see the results at the next intersection
The concept of the Metaverse has HE Tuber  been very popular in the past two years. However, now, the attitude of major manufacturers towards the Metaverse has gradually become cold. So, is the Metaverse really "extinguished"? What stage of development is the Metaverse industry currently experiencing? You might as well take a look at this article’s industry observation and interpretation of the Metaverse.

Do you remember the year 2021 that just passed? This year was called the "First Year of the Metaverse" at the time. Recalling the glory of the "First Year of the Metaverse", the enthusiasm at that time is still before my eyes.
This is a track that almost everyone is optimistic about. Major companies are recruiting people, a series of new departments have been established, people are talking about virtual reality being about to subvert reality, and the argument that the "metaverse" is omnipotent is also popular. Zuckerberg is fully betting on the Metaverse. He even changed the name of Facebook to Meta and announced a staggering amount of investment.

Everyone wants to eat crabs, but before the crabs are eaten,

reality teaches them a huge lesson. The most intuitive expression of the decline in popularity of the Metaverse is that according to Google data, the search volume for the Metaverse has dropped off a cliff, with a decrease of more than 80% compared to the same period .
Meta's stock price has fallen again and again, with the amount of evaporation starting from tens of billions of dollars. Zuckerberg has also had to bow to reality. From the end of last year to now, Meta has announced more than 10,000 layoffs, and may even continue to lay off employees.

After Microsoft showed great power in ChatGPT, it also decisively abandoned its Metaverse plan. The teams that had been poaching people from all over the place were collectively eliminated, and various Metaverse businesses were offline one after another. Looking at the domestic Yuanverse market, major manufacturers such as Tencent Byte have become very cold towards the Yuanverse this year, and rumors of business line adjustments continue to spread.

In the past, Xiao Tiantian is now Mrs. Niu.
Bill Gates, who previously claimed that the Metaverse will greatly change people's future work, also changed his tune this year and claimed that "the Metaverse is not revolutionary." Could it be that the once-hot Yuan Universe has completely gone cold this year?
This kind of argument is somewhat pessimistic and may cater to people's psychology of chasing hot topics, but it may not be in line with the actual situation. Although the spotlight is no longer on the Metaverse, outside of the spotlight, the Metaverse is still developing quietly and has achieved some tangible results. However, these developments are not so eye-catching amid the craze of talking down the Metaverse. .

Perhaps traveling lightly and moving forward in a low profile is the true portrayal of the current metaverse.

1. The infrastructure of the Metaverse is still being iteratively improved.
After the once noisy public opinion field became silent, we can finally look at the Metaverse with a normal mind and carefully analyze its real future.
Tall buildings are rising from the ground, and the Metaverse is no exception. For it, infrastructure is the starting point for all imagination.
The first is communication technology. Metaverse emphasizes instant feedback and requires large-capacity data transmission, so it must rely on the high speed, low latency, large connection and other characteristics of 5G.

Second is AI. The areas where AI is needed in the metaverse are 

very broad. It can be said that almost all content software and workflows can be improved with it, and even ChatGPT can be included in its scope. With the help of AI, other industries can be empowered and digital assets, artworks and AIGC can be established. Of course, only when AI achieves large-scale supply capabilities can the value it creates be highlighted.
There is also computing power support for intelligent computing, especially cloud computing capabilities. For users, cloud computing can effectively lower the threshold for entering the Metaverse. When massive data transmission and computing requirements lead to machine failure due to local computing, cloud computing comes in handy. Its remote data processing capabilities allow The Metaverse can stably calculate and execute massive data around the clock.

In addition, data storage is also extremely important

In the Metaverse era, a massive amount of digital assets will be generated, and any centralized storage is unsafe. If these contents do not have a proper storage channel, information abuse and various hazards may occur. Distributed data storage has significantly improved information security, allowing users to store and share data without relying on third-party storage service providers, reducing the risk of data failures and interruptions, and achieving better security and privacy. Good protection.

It can be said that the underlying infrastructure composed of 5G

 AI large-scale supply capabilities, intelligent computing, network connections, data storage, etc. form the foundation of the Metaverse ecosystem. They are actually the infrastructure of the Metaverse.
It can also be seen from these aspects that the Metaverse is actually very hard-core, and technological breakthroughs cannot be achieved in just one or two years of hard work and rapid development . At this stage, the infrastructure of the Metaverse is not yet complete, and factors such as hardware equipment and computing power still restrict its development. Working hard on infrastructure is still the only way for the Metaverse in the next few years .

The Yuanverse "travels lightly",

The Yuanverse "travels lightly",
