
Social anxiety disorder is among the most common anxiety disorders, affecting 13% of the population. However, a few years ago, this type of anxiety was still little recognized as it does not necessarily present visible physical signs. This campaign, produced for the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS), aims to raise awareness of anxiety disorders while reminding people that there are solutions
Grand Prix, Film - Service public, Créa 2018
Client : Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux - Jocelyne Charest, Sophie Bélanger
Vice-présidence, création : Luc Du Sault
Création : Roxanne Pelletier, Jean Lafrenière
Planification stratégique : Christine Larouche, Catherine Darius, Alexandra Laverdière
Service-conseil : Alexandra Laverdière, Frédérique Naud, Gabrielle Fortin-Larose, Catherine Demers-Rivard, Alexandra Leblond
Production d’agence : Isabelle Fonta
Réalisation : Nicolas Monette
Direction de la photographie : Gabriel Brault-Tardif
Maison de prod./production : Gorditos, Véronique Poulin
Postproduction : Mel’s
Studio de son/ingénierie : BLVD
Médias : touché ! – Anick Lacroix, Joëlle Lavigne, David Audet-Simard



Creative Fields