Grupo Non basta "Dia do Pai"
Group Non basta
It's a group of pasta restaurants in Lisbon all dedicated to italian food, and each restaurant has his own clients. This was a project created by Be guided where we offer the client marketing strategies for all social platforms where I help to create a look and an asthetic to help clients engage with the restaurants. It was a 6 month project where we could deliver an amount of monthly contect for social media.
Production:  Be Guided
Marketing and sales:  Byron de carvalho
Director:  Bruno Bernardo
DOP:  Jorge Albuquerque
Editor:  Bruno Bernardo
color grade:  Jorge Albuquerque
Sound engenier:  Jorge Albuquerque
hero campaign
The next video it was part of a summer campaign. From the grammas kitchen directly to the restaurant. 
pasta non basta "Gramma Kitchen"
Grupo Non Basta


Grupo Non Basta
