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Juvo Infusion — Branding & Packaging Design

Juvo Infusion Branding & Packaging Design Task

Taking the helm of Juvo Infusion's design initiative, my primary mission was to visually weave the brand's essence into an enticing tapestry of branding and packaging. The challenge was to seamlessly meld the vibrancy of Canada's landscapes, the authentic spirit of Juvo, and the unique character of three distinct flavors: Blueberry Bliss, Durian Euphoria, and Guava Delight. A crucial aspect to note, as emphasized in the brand brief, is that the juice exhibits a light consistency, ensuring a refreshing experience, and it falls under the category of From Concentrate (FC) juice.
My creative journey involved the meticulous crafting of a memorable logo, a symbol that not only signifies Juvo's authenticity but also mirrors the rugged allure of the Canadian terrain. The package designs, tailored for each flavor, emerged as visually striking representations, drawing inspiration from the vibrant hues found in Canada's diverse landscapes. Illustrations were thoughtfully incorporated, capturing the unique essence of Blueberry Bliss, Durian Euphoria, and Guava Delight.
Beyond aesthetics, my design aimed to unfold a visual narrative on each package, guiding consumers on a captivating journey through Canada's varied landscapes while providing a glimpse into the distinctive flavor profiles. The introduction of the tagline "Where Flavor Meets Wellness!" served as a unifying mantra, succinctly encapsulating the overarching theme of Juvo Infusion.
In the final execution, the result is an authentically captivating representation of Juvo Infusion. Positioned to command attention on shelves, the design not only beckons consumers to explore the refreshing FC juice but also serves as a heartfelt tribute to the beauty and vitality inherent in Canada's natural wonders.​​​​​​​

Tâche de conception de marque et d'emballage de Juvo Infusion

En prenant la tête de l'initiative de conception de Juvo Infusion, ma mission principale était d'intégrer visuellement l'essence de la marque dans une tapisserie attrayante de marque et d'emballage. Le défi consistait à fusionner harmonieusement le dynamisme des paysages canadiens, l'esprit authentique de Juvo et le caractère unique de trois saveurs distinctes : Blueberry Bliss, Durian Euphoria et Guava Delight. Un aspect crucial à noter, comme le souligne le brief de la marque, est que le jus présente une consistance légère, garantissant une expérience rafraîchissante, et qu'il entre dans la catégorie des jus à base de concentré (FC).
Mon parcours créatif a impliqué la création méticuleuse d'un logo mémorable, un symbole qui signifie non seulement l'authenticité de Juvo, mais reflète également l'attrait accidenté du terrain canadien. Les designs d'emballage, adaptés à chaque saveur, se sont révélés être des représentations visuellement saisissantes, s'inspirant des teintes vibrantes des divers paysages du Canada. Les illustrations ont été soigneusement incorporées, capturant l'essence unique de Blueberry Bliss, Durian Euphoria et Guava Delight.
Au-delà de l'esthétique, ma conception visait à déployer un récit visuel sur chaque emballage, guidant les consommateurs dans un voyage captivant à travers les paysages variés du Canada tout en donnant un aperçu des profils de saveurs distinctifs. L'introduction du slogan « Là où la saveur rencontre le bien-être ! » a servi de mantra unificateur, résumant succinctement le thème général de Juvo Infusion.
Dans l'exécution finale, le résultat est une représentation authentiquement captivante de Juvo Infusion. Positionné pour attirer l'attention sur les étagères, le design invite non seulement les consommateurs à découvrir le jus FC rafraîchissant, mais sert également d'hommage sincère à la beauté et à la vitalité inhérentes aux merveilles naturelles du Canada.

Effortlessly capturing the rich bounty of Canada, this artful flavor medley is my creation for Juvo Infusion. 

Embark on a visual odyssey with the exquisite 12-box collection, a testament to Juvo Infusion's dedication to artistry and flavor exploration. Each meticulously crafted box unveils a microcosm of nature's wonders, where the first box showcases the freshness of plucked Blueberries, the color box above mirroring the deep purple hues of this luscious fruit. Moving forward, the second box invites you to savor the rich tones of Durian, a box above adorned with a warm light brown, an ode to the velvety texture of this regal fruit. Meanwhile, the third box presents the essence of Guava, its vibrant green palette reflecting the natural charm of this tropical delight. Delve deeper into the fourth box to witness the intricate beauty of a sliced Blueberry, its inside box capturing a subtle yet distinct white hue, reminiscent of the fruit's crisp and refreshing character. The fifth box, an exploration of Durian's unique composition, is accompanied by an inside box featuring a captivating light orange color, echoing the bold notes of this king of fruits. Transition to the sixth box, an open Guava revealing its juicy interior, adorned by an inside box that embodies a deep pink shade, encapsulating the tropical sweetness of the fruit. This artistic ensemble doesn't just display the colors; it weaves a narrative of Juvo Infusion's commitment to diverse, authentic, and visually captivating flavor experiences.

Harmonizing Hues and Eloquent Typography

Each color and typeface chosen for Juvo Infusion's design has been meticulously selected to embody the brand's essence. The vibrant palette creates a feast for the eyes, mirroring the diverse flavors within. Complemented by the Airates Script Font, the typography breathes life into the design, adding an extra layer of elegance and sophistication. As the colors dance and the letters sing, the packaging becomes not just a vessel but a canvas that tells the rich and vibrant story of Juvo Infusion.

Selected from a series of five bottle designs, Juvo Infusion proudly introduces the standout – the one in the middle adorned with a vibrant green selection. Each line of this sketch embodies the essence of our infusion, promising a refreshing symphony of flavors. Embark on savoring the artistry of Juvo Infusion, where the chosen bottle is a visual invitation to a delightful experience.

Introducing Flavor Stories

Preview the Visual Landscape of Juvo Infusion as you explore my meticulously designed labels for each flavor. From the invigorating burst of Blueberry to tropical charm of Durian to the distinctive notes of Guava, every label mirrors the unique character of the infusion it holds. With a focus on elegance and authenticity, the design not only complements the rich taste but also visually transports you to the diverse landscapes that inspired each flavor. Brace yourself for a delightful visual journey, where each label unveils the essence of the Juvo Infusion experience.

Explore a Harmony of Flavor Expertise

Welcome to our 'Flavor Chronicles,' an artistic curation meticulously designed to unveil the essence of each juice flavor. The strategic blur of authentic fruit backdrops transcends visual aesthetics, creating an air of intrigue that beckons you to unravel the narrative behind every infusion. As a designer committed to excellence, I've deliberately blurred these backgrounds, seamlessly merging the realms of artistry and reality. Immerse yourself in an unparalleled experience that transcends the ordinary, an ode to sophistication within every meticulously crafted bottle of Juvo Infusion. Your journey into the extraordinary begins here.


Get Ready for a Fridge Delight

Swing open your fridge to discover the jaw-dropping presentation of Juvo Infusion! Each bottle is a mini masterpiece, a burst of color and design, just waiting to make your taste buds dance. The playful visual treat as you grab a bottle is a sneak peek into the delightful experience that follows. Juvo Infusion isn't just a drink; it's a design marvel that's all about turning your sips into a stylish celebration. So, chill out, grab a bottle, and let the fridge fun begin!

Embark on a visual journey with the Juvo Infusion Delivery Box Collection. Crafted not merely as containers but as artistic narratives, each box unveils a carefully curated sequence. From the initial burst of Blueberry Bliss to the daring notes of Durian Euphoria and the tropical embrace of Guava Delight, every design is a masterpiece. It goes beyond aesthetics; it's a visual symphony that mirrors the vibrancy of untamed landscapes and the richness of diverse flavor profiles. These boxes aren't just vessels; they are gateways, inviting you to savor the essence of Juvo Infusion. Each stroke, each color, whispers the passion and purpose behind the craft—a celebration of the fusion of artistry and taste, enriching the Juvo experience in every unboxing moment.


En tant que concepteur derrière la toile de Juvo Infusion, je suis ravi de présenter cette symphonie visuelle qui résume l'esprit des divers paysages du Canada. Chaque flacon est un coup de pinceau, dressant un portrait d'authenticité, de bien-être et de fusion astucieuse des saveurs.
Du rafraîchissant Blueberry Bliss à l'audacieux Durian Euphoria en passant par le tropical Guava Delight, chaque goutte est un témoignage du savoir-faire méticuleux qui définit Juvo Infusion. Les couleurs, les symboles et les dessins font écho à la beauté des vergers du Canada et aux teintes vibrantes de ses fruits.
Rejoignez-moi dans ce voyage, où chaque étiquette, chaque saveur et chaque détail n'est pas seulement un design mais une ode à la riche tapisserie de la nature. Juvo Infusion est plus qu'une marque ; c'est une expérience, une célébration de la bonté canadienne mise en bouteille pour votre plus grand plaisir.
Merci de m'avoir permis de donner vie à cette vision. C'est parti pour savourer la symphonie où la saveur rencontre le bien-être !

Kakra Ghanney
Juvo Infusion — Branding & Packaging Design

Juvo Infusion — Branding & Packaging Design
