Zulhafiq Zaman's profile

Digital Project: Anthropomorphic

An incomplete artwork, but too busy to finish it at that time, this is a character named jinx. I tried to make a story in which a mental patient is halucinating living in a steampunk world. This character has became my main persona, and leads me to focus on anthropomorphic.
A design based on a peacock.
Named her Astarte, based on the greek mythology.
This is a fanart of Blacksad.
Blacksad is a comic created by Spanish authors Juan Díaz Canales (writer) and Juanjo Guarnido (artist), and published by French publisher Dargaud.
Practice makes perfect. This is Jinx, the character i did before.
latest style, tried to focus on making it more cartoonish.
Digital Project: Anthropomorphic

Digital Project: Anthropomorphic

This is a couple of anthropomorphic arts that i did. Mostly it is biped and mammals. I will keep on study in making other species and shapes.
