Yi-Liang CHU's profile

ROAD TO SPARTAN Monochrome Edition

2023 平溪斯巴達


2023 Spartan Race in Pinxi

2023 Spartan Race in Pinxi was called as the “wildest” Spartan Race in Taiwan. Surrounded by mountains, runners not only had to wade through the jungle and pass numerous stages, but also had to carry at least 30 kilograms of buckets on the extremly muddy track in second-to-last stage. It was a tough test for those runners who had almost exhausted their physical strength after running tens of kilometer. Some people chose to give up, but more of them went beyond their own limits and returned to the sand bucket unloading area to complete this stage.
Filipino athletes prayed together before the race.
Second-to-last stage: bucket carry, each runner needed to carry an around 30kgs bucket and cross a muddy path.
A runner suffered severe cramps, and his teammates was relieving his symptoms.
ROAD TO SPARTAN Monochrome Edition


ROAD TO SPARTAN Monochrome Edition
